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Allium sativum

Early autumn white garlic without flower stalk.
250 Gram FILLET (about 3 heads of garlic)
Regular price €7,90
Regular price Sale price €7,90
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Période de semis
Période de récolte
De mai à juillet
250 Gram FILLET (about 3 heads of garlic)

A treasure of health! Rich in germanium and selenium, it is a precious food for health. Autumn variety, productive, very white. Good conservation. A net of 250 grams corresponds to 4 heads of garlic of about 5 cloves. Plant the cloves, in a sunny location, in October/November or February/March at a depth of 3 or 4 cm, the tip upwards, 10 cm on the line in healthy, rich and well-loosened soil. Harvest 4 to 5 months for spring plantations, 8 to 9 months for autumn plantations. Seasonal products, available from September to December

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