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Angelica archangelica

"A large aromatic and medicinal plant (sometimes more than 2 meters), cultivated since the end of the Middle Ages, for its petioles, stems and seeds as well as for its root used in herbal medicine for their interest on the digestive system and to fight against fatigue. Stems and seeds are used to make liqueurs, while the petioles are used in confectionery. The young leaves are used as a condiment to flavor soups and salads. It attracts many pollinators, aphids. The sap of angelica is photosensitizing, so we recommend that you use gloves to harvest it.

Planting Angelica

Plant in a sunny or partially shaded location, keeping 80 cm between plants.
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €4,90
Regular price Sale price €4,90
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Out of stock
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity


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Potager bio, naturel et écologique

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