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Lunar Calendar 2025Find the synthesis of all the lunar and planetary influences of the year 2025Gardening with the Moon… for plants full of vitality and more abundant harvests, the Lunar Calendar is the essential boost for your garden. For vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, but also for agriculture, animals, bees, wine, beer, wood, lawns…Living with the Moon… to obtain more beautiful hair, for more effective hair removal, stronger nails, healthier skin… Find the best dates that will optimize your body care as well as your health in general.Published since 1978… the Lunar Calendar is the fruit of more than 45 years of research and experimentation on cosmic influences. A synthesis of astronomical knowledge and ancestral knowledge, this work offers a very detailed analysis of all lunar and planetary influences. (130 pages, 15 x 21 cm, printed in France on chlorine-free paper, inks based on vegetable oils, paper from sustainably managed forests and controlled sources)
Regular price €9,50
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Les conseils de la ferme

Potager bio, naturel et écologique

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