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RIBES nigrum

Maturity at the end of June. Quite large and vigorous plant requiring a space of 1.50 m to 1.80 m between plants. Early variety producing...
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
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The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity

The 'Géant de Boskoop' blackcurrant bush is a vigorous variety of Dutch origin, renowned for its fruits and large leaves. Self-sterile, this variety is distinguished by its late flowering, ideal for pollinating traditional blackcurrant bushes such as 'Noir de Bourgogne' or 'Royal de Naples'.
This blackcurrant bush requires cold periods to ensure optimal flowering and fruiting. It adapts to various types of soil, provided that it is not exposed to excess water. It prefers a sunny exposure, but can tolerate partial shade in very hot regions. Not very demanding in water, it is particularly hardy, simply requiring mulch at the foot to ensure its autonomy in most regions.
The fruit, rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and pectin, is ideal for preparing jams, juices and liqueurs.

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Les conseils de la ferme

Potager bio, naturel et écologique

Comment commencer son potager ?

Créer un potager bio ne se résume pas à bannir les produits chimiques au profit de solutions estampillées "naturelles". Il s'agit avant tout d'adopter une approche globale, fondée sur la...

Julien en train de semer en pleine terre

Que faire au jardin en mars ?

En mars, le jardin se réveille ! Entre entretien du sol, premiers semis, plantations et récoltes de fin d'hiver, le mois marque le début d’une nouvelle saison au potager. Découvrez...