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Ribes nigrum

Royal de Naples is a mid-season variety that requires cross-pollination. It is traditionally used in Burgundy. The equal combination of Noir de Bourgogne and Royal de Naples is the ideal base for a very high quality liqueur.
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
Regular price Sale price €7,90
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The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity

The Royal de Naples blackcurrant is a mid-season variety, and appreciated for its exceptional qualities in terms of production and processing. This blackcurrant bush is distinguished by its vigorous bush, with very flexible wood. As it requires cross-pollination to bear fruit, it is often associated with varieties such as Noir de Bourgogne, with which it forms an ideal combination for the production of liqueurs.
The Royal de Naples grape clusters are long, and bear relatively small fruits, but exceptionally rich in coloring and dry matter. These characteristics make it a prized ingredient for the production of crèmes de cassis and other preparations where intensity of color and flavor is sought.
Adapted to a wide variety of soils, as long as they are well drained and do not have excess water. It prefers a sunny exposure, but can also flourish in partial shade in very hot regions.
The Royal of Naples is particularly hardy and requires little water, requiring a simple mulch at the base to maintain its autonomy in most regions.
The leaves, whether fresh or dried, can be used in herbal tea for their digestive properties. Finally, the fruits, rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and pectin, are ideal for preparing jams, juices and liqueurs.

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