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Référence: 2519A


Hibiscus cannabinus

Annual with very long flowering (from June to October) with superb yellow flowers with a dark heart, and very fast growing, reaching 2 to 3 meters in 3 to 4 months. Known in Asia for its medicinal properties, it is mainly used as a source of fiber for the manufacture of paper pulp, textiles, rope, insulation but also livestock feed. The harvest takes place in November-December when the stem has lost its leaves. It can be used as a quick privacy screen in the garden.
The bag of 25 seeds
Regular price €3,80
Regular price Sale price €3,80
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
In stock
Période de semis
From April to May
Période de récolte
De juillet à septembre
abundant / daily
50 cm
The bag of 25 seeds
Cycle de vie

Annual with very long flowering (from June to October) with superb yellow flowers with a dark heart, and very fast growing, reaching 2 to 3 meters in 3 to 4 months. Known in Asia for its medicinal properties, it is mainly used as a source of fiber for the manufacture of paper pulp, textiles, rope, insulation but also livestock feed. The harvest takes place in November-December when the stem has lost its leaves. It can be used as a quick privacy screen in the garden.

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Les conseils de la ferme

Potager bio, naturel et écologique

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