Fragaria sp.
The Belle et Bonne strawberry plant is an old variety of non-remontant strawberry plant producing red fruits of 7 to 10 g with a very good flavor. Planting period for strawberries Strawberries can be planted all year round although the best planting period is in the fall (mid-August-October) or in the spring. Strawberries are not sensitive to frost, so you can plant them in the fall without risk, they will have time to develop their root system before winter. Just be careful of late frosts in April-May which could damage the flowering. Growing strawberries If your soil is very chalky or very wet, prefer growing in pots or containers because the strawberry plant will have a lot of trouble growing there. Strawberries like rich soil, prepare your soil by adding manure or compost to your soil a month before as well as an organic fertilizer. Plant your strawberry plants in a sunny or shaded location in a line, on mounds 80 cm wide and 20 cm high. You can plant two rows of strawberry plants 40 cm apart and 30 cm in the row. Plan aisles 70 cm wide between the mounds. Do not plant too densely to avoid attacks of gray mold on the fruits (Botrytis cinerea). Mulch the strawberry plants, this will prevent the development of weeds, maintain humidity in the soil and the fruits will be isolated from the ground. Water regularly during hot weather. To encourage rooting and vegetative development, it is essential to cut the flower stems in the month following planting. Subsequently, during cultivation, the stolons (or threads) must be cut. In the fall, clean the plants (remove dry leaves and suckers) and apply a copper-based specialty if the leaves have many purple spots. Strawberry harvest Tip: Pick the strawberries in the morning, they will be more fragrant.