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rubus idaeus

The Jewel black raspberry is a mid-season non-remontant variety producing excellent sweet and aromatic black fruits. Good yield.
The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity
Regular price €6,90
Regular price Sale price €6,90
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The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity

The Black 'Jewel' raspberry is a variety that lends itself well to making pies and jams, thanks to its firm, sweet and slightly tart black berries like those of blackberries.
The fruits ripen from the beginning of July and can be harvested easily and abundantly. The shrub produces beautiful white flowers in April-May, thus attracting bees.
Its robustness and resistance to diseases make it a reliable choice for different types of soils, except calcareous ones. In terms of cultivation, it is robust and vigorous, its stems can reach up to 100-150 cm with a slightly drooping habit. For optimal production, it is important to prune new shoots to 2-3 cm to stimulate the lateral branches.

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