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Rubus idaeus

Very productive, self-fertile variety. Flowering in May/June. Large red fruits, very fruity, tasty, tangy to be picked in July. Use raw, in jam, sorbet, juice. Suitable for growing at altitude.
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €6,90
Regular price Sale price €6,90
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The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity

The Schoenemann Raspberry is a non-remontant variety, which stands out for its ability to offer an abundant harvest. It produces raspberries in July, with large, conical and dark red fruits. Their sweet and slightly acidic flavor makes these fruits an ideal choice both for fresh consumption and for making desserts and jams.
Self-fertile, it does not require another variety for pollination, which simplifies its cultivation. This robust plant, well adapted to high altitude conditions, begins its fruiting in summer and extends over a relatively short period. To obtain optimal results, it is recommended to plant it in well-drained and sunny soil, with regular watering.

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Les conseils de la ferme

Potager bio, naturel et écologique

Comment commencer son potager ?

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