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Regular price €13,90
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The Rustic and Universal lawn is enriched with organic fertilizer that can be used in organic farming to nourish your soil and promote the rapid establishment of your lawn.

It adapts to all your climatic conditions, even in early or late sowing conditions in the season.

It is easy to maintain and has a good aesthetic level.

Allows you to create a 30m2 lawn or renovate 50m2.

Sowing the lawn

Sow from March to May and from September to October.

Step 1 to make your lawn grow back: prepare the soil. Loosen the soil and level the ground with a rake to remove clods, stones, roots. Before sowing, wait a little to eliminate the remaining weeds which will come back to the surface.

Sow broadcast and regularly. Move forward in a straight line, throwing the seeds in front of you. Avoid sowing when it is windy, as the sowing will not be uniform.

Use a rake to cover the seeds with soil by one cm.

Use a roller to compact and pack the soil.

Water the lawn with a fine spray fairly regularly to encourage it to germinate.

The first seeds germinate in 7 to 10 days and then germinate completely in 3 to 4 weeks.

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