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Elaeagnus multiflora

Native to China and Japan, the Goumi is a shrub with a spreading habit and deciduous leaves. This plant, which resists temperatures down to -25°C, requires no maintenance. Its small fragrant flowers will produce many small edible red fruits that are more or less sweet, excellent for making jams, jellies, syrups or juices.
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €9,90
Regular price Sale price €9,90
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Période de récolte
De juillet à août
1 to 2 m
sun, partial shade
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity

Elaeagnus multiflora, native to Japan. This self-fertile shrub, with a spreading habit, can reach a span of 2 to 3 meters. Its semi-evergreen foliage has a slightly shiny green upper side and a slightly gray lower side.
In April and May, it is covered with a very abundant flowering, with creamy white flowers, both fragrant and very melliferous. Its fruits, oblong and measuring between 1.5 and 2 cm long, turn from green to bright red when ripe, generally at the end of June or the beginning of July. These berries, very juicy and sometimes astringent, offer antioxidant properties, and are rich in vitamins A, C and E.
For its planting, it prefers light soils, with effective drainage to avoid excess water in winter. However, it also tolerates heavier and organic soils, provided they are deep and well drained, with a low limestone content. This plant, which fixes nitrogen, is ideal for hedgerows. Hardy to -25 ° C and resistant to wind, the Japanese Goumi adapts well to both coastal and continental climates. Although pruning is possible in winter, it is not essential.
Goumi is distinguished by its abundant production of translucent red fruits, edible at various stages of maturity, whether raw, cooked or dried. The astringency of the fruits, which can be more or less marked, diminishes during cooking, giving way to a pleasant aroma.

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