

Plectranthus amboinicus

A tropical condiment plant widely used in Creole and African cuisine, large West Indian thyme is also called Mexican mint, Cuban oregano, Indian borage. Its large, slightly downy foliage brings the mixed flavor of thyme and oregano to cooking. It is consumed finely chopped to enhance meat and fish dishes, salads or soups. Large West Indian thyme contains an essential oil used in perfumery, aromatherapy or to repel insects. This plant has many virtues; it is used as a medicinal plant in the West Indies to help fight headaches.

Planting large West Indian thyme

Sensitive to frost, we advise you to grow the large West Indian thyme in a pot and bring it inside in winter. During the winter, place the plant at 10°C (any warmer it would tend to etiolate). The large thyme will appreciate a fairly draining soil and a sunny exposure. Regular watering, less in winter.


Pinch regularly.
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €10,90
Regular price Sale price €10,90
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Out of stock
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity


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Les conseils de la ferme

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