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Ribes uva crispa

Maturity mid-July. Variety with thorns, productive, large white, golden fruits, very sweet, tangy and fragrant....
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
Regular price Sale price €7,90
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Taxes included.
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Période de récolte
De juin à juillet
2 to 3 m
sun, partial shade
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity

This variety of gooseberry is characterized by its large fruits that stand out for their golden color, contrasting with their green tint when they are not yet ripe.
The plant prefers an acidic, well-drained soil rich in organic matter, while being sensitive to limestone. Planting in full sun is not ideal. A slightly shaded location will promote better growth. The gooseberry is also sensitive to drought during fruiting, the use of mulch is recommended to maintain soil moisture.
In the kitchen, gooseberries are excellent fresh, but they are also very popular for making tarts, coulis, jams and jellies. Their sweet and sour flavour also makes them suitable for making chutneys, or for pairing with oily fish, game or even duck breast.

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