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Althaea officinalis

Originally from Europe, marshmallow is better known as Marsh Mallow, a sweet treat that we particularly like to enjoy around the fire. It is thanks to the root of this perennial that these sweets were originally made. Marshmallow roots are sometimes used, peeled, as sticks given to young children to help with their teething, they have a calming effect. The roots can also be used to replace egg white in cooking for sauces or soups in order to thicken. The leaves, for their part, can be eaten cooked, like spinach. Marshmallow has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and protective properties for the gastric mucosa.

Marshmallow Planting

Plant keeping 50 to 60 cm between plants. It appreciates humid environments such as seaside, stream banks, ditches, meadows, marshes. Frost resistant when the soil is well drained in winter.
The 10 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €5,90
Regular price Sale price €5,90
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The 10 cm bucket / price according to quantity


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Potager bio, naturel et écologique

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