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Référence: 2529A


Helichrysum bracteatum

Variety of immortelle with bracts, very branched and compact dwarf, flowering from July to September. Mixture of 8 bright shades from white to pink through yellow and orange. Well suited to growing in beds or pots. Growing in 6 to 8 weeks. To harvest the flowers and make dried bouquets, we advise you to harvest the flowers before they are fully open. Hang the flowers upside down in a ventilated and dark place. Sowing: March/April indoors or in place but under a frame, transplant into a pot and plant in May after the last frosts. Or direct sowing in April-May. Thin out or plant 40 cm apart. Flowering: July/October.
The bag of 500 seeds
Regular price €4,70
Regular price Sale price €4,70
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
Out of stock
Période de semis
From March to April
Période de récolte
De juillet à octobre
abundant / in case of drought
40 cm
The bag of 500 seeds
Cycle de vie

Variety of immortelle with bracts, very branched and compact dwarf, flowering from July to September. Mixture of 8 bright shades from white to pink through yellow and orange. Well suited to growing in beds or pots. Growing in 6 to 8 weeks. To harvest the flowers and make dried bouquets, we advise you to harvest the flowers before they are fully open. Hang the flowers upside down in a ventilated and dark place. Sowing: March/April indoors or in place but under a frame, transplant into a pot and plant in May after the last frosts. Or direct sowing in April-May. Thin out or plant 40 cm apart. Flowering: July/October.

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Potager bio, naturel et écologique

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