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Self-fertile plant in clod / price according to quantity
Regular price €8,90
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Self-fertile plant in clod / price according to quantity

Kiwifruit 'Issai' is a self-fertile variety that does not require cross-pollination.
Its small flowers, much smaller than those of the kiwi, produce fruits that are smooth to the touch and green in color. These fruits ripen slowly on the tree between October and November, and are picked when they come off easily. They are eaten without peeling and offer a sweet and fragrant flavor.
This variety is slightly more vigorous than kiwi, but its growing needs are similar. Strong training is necessary to support the plant and its production.
Originally from Northern Asia, Kiwis are quite hardy and require fewer precautions than Kiwis. They do not like poorly drained and heavy soils, or stagnant water in the spring. They prefer rich, airy and fresh soils.
The fruits, even if a little wilted, retain their flavors and can be used in juice, jams, jellies or compotes. They are rich in sugar and vitamin C.

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