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KIWI JENNY (self-fertile) AB - PLANT

The plus of the variety: aromatic, tangy flesh. Early ripening: late. Harvest period: November.
The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity
Regular price €12,90
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The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity

The kiwi 'Jenny' is a self-fertile climbing plant, able to withstand temperatures down to -10°C, making it a hardy option for many gardens. In full sun or partial shade, this plant can reach an impressive height of 9 metres when supported by a trellis, pergola or fence.
In spring, the kiwi is adorned with fragrant, white to cream-colored flowers. The fruits, which ripen between October and November, have a rough brown skin and juicy green flesh. Their taste is a mixture of sweetness and acidity.
To successfully grow kiwi, it is essential to choose a sunny or partially shaded location, with well-drained soil rich in organic matter. The plant needs solid support to develop properly. Although it is quite resistant to cold, it is advisable to protect it from strong winds and late frosts to optimize its growth.
In the kitchen, kiwis are versatile, being able to be eaten fresh, added to salads, smoothies, desserts or baked goods.

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