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Vaccinium corymbosum

The Ivanhoe blueberry is a mid-season variety producing very large, rounded and firm berries. The fruits are quite dark blue and have a very pleasant flavor and aroma. The fruit does not burst in the rain.
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
Regular price Sale price €7,90
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The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
The 'Ivanhoe' variety is appreciated for its large fruits. These berries, which appear from the beginning of July, are slightly flattened, not prone to bursting, and are distinguished by their subtle flavor. To ensure good growth, this plant, like all blueberries, requires acidic soil rich in organic matter. Organic mulch is also essential to keep the soil cool during the hot months. Blueberries require plenty of sun to fruit properly, because planting in the shade, although possible, limits their production. Ivanhoe is also distinguished by its production of deep blue to black fruits, with a woody taste, a tannic touch and a pronounced acidity. This variety is particularly valuable for culinary transformations, not only for its unique aroma, but also for its intense color.
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