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Vaccinium corymbosum

The Earliblue blueberry is a very early variety producing large, light blue, slightly flattened fruits. They do not burst in the rain. Good table fruits with a tangy flavor. Ripens in June-July over 2 weeks.
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
Regular price Sale price €7,90
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The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity

The 'Earliblue' variety is distinguished by its precocity, with a harvest concentrated over a period of about two weeks in June. Its berries, large and light blue, are particularly firm and slightly acidic. Their resistance to bursting and their excellent storage capacity make them a wise choice for various uses, whether fresh, in jam, in pies or dried.
Earliblue adopts an erect, moderately vigorous and little branched growth.
Its productivity is relatively modest, but its beauty is enhanced by bright orange-red colors in the fall and a white bell-shaped bloom, typical of blueberries. They prefer acidic soils enriched with organic matter. Mulching is recommended to conserve moisture during the summer. For optimal fruiting, these plants need plenty of light; in the shade, they grow but do not produce fruit.

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