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Vaccinium corymbosum

The Elisabeth blueberry is a late variety that ripens at the end of July. This variety produces large, firm, very aromatic fruits with a balanced sweet-acid flavor. Good, regular yield. The Elisabeth blueberry is a very good variety for cold regions. The blueberry's fall coloring is splendid.
The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
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The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity

Elizabeth' is a particularly vigorous and upright blueberry variety. Its fruits, an attractive light blue, are not only large, but also remarkably sweet. This variety is distinguished by its late flowering, which makes it ideal for cooler regions. The harvest, which extends from mid-August to mid-September, requires cross-pollination with other varieties to ensure optimal fruiting.
In the fall, many varieties of blueberry bushes take on reddish-orange hues before the leaves fall.
To thrive, the blueberry prefers acidic soil, enriched with organic matter for good water retention. Mulching helps maintain humidity in summer. Finally, for abundant fruiting, good sunshine is essential, because blueberry bushes planted in the shade do not produce fruit.
The berries, once ripe, are pleasantly tart and keep well, perfect for eating fresh or made into jams, pies or dried.

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