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Référence: 2123A


Chenopodium quinoa

This variety has large green panicles that turn red during seed maturation in August/September. Its water requirements are moderate and the ideal temperature is 12 to 20 °C during its growth. It tolerates drought relatively well. The seeds are covered with saponin, rinse thoroughly with water to remove its bitter taste. Sowing in March-April, on aerated, well-drained soil enriched with organic matter. Flowering in July and harvesting of seeds in August/September, when the stems turn purple and the grains begin to detach from the inflorescences. Cut the inflorescences and put them to dry before beating them over a bucket.
The bag of 300 seeds
Regular price €3,80
Regular price Sale price €3,80
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
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Période de semis
From March to April
Période de récolte
De août à septembre
moderate / in case of drought
50 cm
150 cm
pleine terre
120 à 150 jours en moyenne
The bag of 300 seeds
Cycle de vie

This variety has large green panicles that turn red during seed maturation in August/September. Its water requirements are moderate and the ideal temperature is 12 to 20 °C during its growth. It tolerates drought relatively well. The seeds are covered with saponin, rinse thoroughly with water to remove its bitter taste. Sowing in March-April, on aerated, well-drained soil enriched with organic matter. Flowering in July and harvesting of seeds in August/September, when the stems turn purple and the grains begin to detach from the inflorescences. Cut the inflorescences and put them to dry before beating them over a bucket.

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