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Prunus tomentosa

Compact bush, bright red fruits resembling small cherries without stems, stuck against the wood. Very good taste quality. To be consumed fresh or in jam.
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
Regular price Sale price €7,90
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The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity

Prunus tomentosa, also known as the Nanking cherry, is a small shrub that combines functionality and aesthetics.
In spring, its downy branches welcome delicate white flowers tinged with pink, followed by its foliage. In summer, small red cherries, grouped in clusters, give an ideal harvest for the preparation of delicious jams. This fruit is distinguished by its sweet and unique taste.
Fast growing, this shrub is resistant to occasional droughts and cold temperatures. It finds its place in a free or fruit hedge, in an orchard or in a large pot on a terrace.

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