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Référence: 1904A


Brassica rapa - Brassica juncea - Beta vulgaris cicla - Lactuca sativa - Spinacia oleracea

Young shoots of lettuce, spinach, chard and oriental cruciferous vegetables. Surprising with the unique taste of Tat Soi cabbage, the mustardy fragrance of mizuna combined with the sweetness of spinach and the crunch of lettuce.
3 meter ribbon - 300 seeds
Regular price €4,70
Regular price Sale price €4,70
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
In stock
Période de semis
From March to July
Période de récolte
De mars à juillet
moderate / weekly
seeds already spaced
sun / partial shade
15 à 25 cm
Pleine terre
Rustique jusqu´à -5°C
21 à 35 jours en moyenne
3 meter ribbon - 300 seeds
Cycle de vie

Assortment of young lettuce, spinach, chard and oriental cruciferous shoots. Surprising by the unique taste of Tatsoi cabbage, the mustardy fragrance of mizuna associated with the sweetness of spinach and the crunch of lettuce.

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Les conseils de la ferme

Potager bio, naturel et écologique

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