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Référence: 2381A


Artemisia absinthium

Aromatic and medicinal, perennial that can reach 1.50 m in height. Downy and silvery foliage. Strong and pleasant odor that repels certain parasites (slugs, snails, flea beetles, cabbage white butterfly).
The bag of 1500 seeds
Regular price €4,70
Regular price Sale price €4,70
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Taxes included.
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Période de semis
From March to April
Période de récolte
De mai à juillet
moderate / in case of drought
50 cm
150 cm
Pleine terre / pots
Rustique jusqu´à -15°C
The bag of 1500 seeds
Cycle de vie

Aromatic and medicinal, common wormwood is a perennial that can reach 1.50 m in height with beautiful downy and silvery foliage. The smell of wormwood is strong and pleasant, repelling certain pests in the vegetable garden such as slugs and snails, flea beetles, cabbage white butterfly. Wormwood inhabits dry areas of Asia and Europe. The yellow flowers of wormwood appear from July to September. In cooking, its leaves and flowers are used. Wormwood is used in the composition of liqueurs and aperitifs, but also herbal teas, decoctions or mother tincture. Wormwood has many medicinal properties, aperitif and digestive, vermifuge, insect repellent (keeps away moths and ants). Sowing: from March to May, or September in a nursery or under a tunnel. Cover the seeds with 1 mm of soil. Plant in spring or autumn in rows spaced 1m apart, in all types of light and drained soils, for flowerbeds or vegetable borders. Water in case of high heat or drought. It is possible to prune some plants in autumn for better recovery in spring. Harvest: the leaves and flowers are harvested at the beginning of summer. The seeds are harvested in September, October.

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