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Référence: 2379A

CARROT AND TURNIP MIX (Guérande obtuse carrot, Croissy turnip) AB

Daucus carota - Brassica rapa

These two old varieties are suitable for sowing in early February to early March or at the end of the season from the end of July.
The bag of 500 seeds
Regular price €3,80
Regular price Sale price €3,80
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
In stock
Période de semis
From February to April
Période de récolte
De juin à août
moderate / daily
10 cm
30 cm
pleine terre
jusqu'à -7°C
90 à 120 jours en moyenne
The bag of 500 seeds
Cycle de vie

These two old varieties are suitable for sowing in early February to early March or at the end of the season from the end of July.

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Potager bio, naturel et écologique

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