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Citrus hystrix

Widely used in Asian and Malagasy cuisine for its incomparable lemongrass scent. To be grown in open ground or in a pot, possible due to its small size (2.50m maximum). Its fragrant white-pink flowers will produce small fruits similar to limes, about 6 cm in diameter. Use: zest and chopped leaves. Planting In open ground: only in very sheltered areas where there are lemon or orange trees. When the last frosts have passed, in light, non-calcareous soil. Water generously. Protect from frost In a pot: In a large tub, in a very bright place and water very regularly. Place in winter in a bright but cool place (10 to 14°C).
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €19,90
Regular price Sale price €19,90
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The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity


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Les conseils de la ferme

Potager bio, naturel et écologique

Comment commencer son potager ?

Créer un potager bio ne se résume pas à bannir les produits chimiques au profit de solutions estampillées "naturelles". Il s'agit avant tout d'adopter une approche globale, fondée sur la...

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