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rubus idaeus

The Autumn bliss raspberry is a very productive, late-flowering variety producing large, aromatic fruits with a tangy flavor. Stems with relatively few thorns.
The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity
Regular price €6,90
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The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity

The Blissy 'Autumn Bliss' raspberry is a remontant variety particularly appreciated for its abundant production and ease of cultivation. This cultivar is also known for its resistance to diseases and its ability to fruit on the canes of the year.
This variety produces medium-sized red fruits, which are characterized by their sweet and slightly acidic flavor, as well as their firm texture. The harvest extends from late summer until the first frosts, thus offering a long harvest period. Raspberries are perfect for fresh consumption, in baking, or for making jams and juices.
The 'Autumn Bliss' raspberry plant reaches an average height of about 1.5 metres, with an upright and compact habit. It prefers rich, well-drained soils, with a sunny exposure to ensure optimum fruiting.
This hardy raspberry plant requires little maintenance: pruning the canes after the last harvest is generally enough to maintain abundant production from year to year. In addition, it is quite resistant to the main raspberry diseases, particularly botrytis (grey rot).

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