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Rubus idaeus

The Sofia arctic dwarf raspberry is a collector's plant that measures 15 cm when fully grown. Annual vegetative system, each year the plant regenerates from the roots. Honey plant, appreciated by pollinators. The fruits are small but very tasty, fruity and tangy.
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €6,90
Regular price Sale price €6,90
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The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity

The Arctic raspberry 'Sofia' is a dwarf variety that stands out for its small size and hardiness in cold temperatures. This unique cultivar is appreciated not only for its miniature red fruits, but also for its decorative flowering.
In spring, its carmine pink flowers add a touch of elegance and attract bees. Ideal for small spaces, this arctic raspberry can be grown in a pot, on a balcony or in a compact garden.
Its small, tasty raspberries appear at the beginning of summer, and offer a slightly sweet and tangy taste.

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