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Lycium barbarum

Goji or common wolfberry or Barbary wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) is a shrub of the Solanaceae family (like the tomato), widely distributed from southern Europe to Asia. The plant in a 8cm pot.
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
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The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity

Lycium barbarum, also known as goji, is a hardy and easy-to-grow variety. This plant requires cross-pollination with other species to produce optimal fruiting. Its delicate purple flowers are particularly attractive to pollinators because of their abundant nectar.
It thrives in poor, well-drained soils, resisting drought well but being particularly sensitive to excess water. The elongated fruits are distinguished by their sweetness and richness in nutrients.
It is best to consume the berries once dried, as fresh fruits, too rich in alkaloids, can be toxic in excess. Dried gojis provide an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants.

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