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RIBES rubrum Heros

Variety with medium red fruit, in long and large cluster, very tasty, tangy flavor, to be picked in June/July. To be used raw, jam, freezing, juice, syrup, sorbet and pastry.
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
Regular price Sale price €7,90
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Taxes included.
Out of stock
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity

The 'Heros' raspberry bush is a vigorous plant, with upright and robust stems, supporting dense foliage of a bright green. When flowering, it is covered with small, discreet white flowers. These raspberries, of an intense red, are fleshy and firm, perfect for harvesting by hand.
The taste of the fruit is mild and sweet, with a slight hint of acidity.
In the kitchen, 'Heros' raspberries are suitable for both desserts and savoury dishes. They are delicious in tarts, jams or sorbets, but can also be used to add a tangy note to salads or accompany meats, particularly in sauces.

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