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RIBES rubrum ´Blanka´

The Blanka red currant is a late variety that ripens at the end of July. Medium vigor. The Blanka red currant produces large, white-yellow fruits in very long clusters, aromatic, tangy. Robust and very productive variety. Not very susceptible to diseases and coulure.
The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
Regular price Sale price €7,90
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The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity

The 'Blanka' Grape Currant is a self-fertile and ideal variety thanks to its high productivity and resistance to diseases.
This vigorous plant produces abundant clusters of medium-sized fruits. The harvest extends from July to August, offering yellow and juicy fruits, with a delicate taste, perfect for fresh consumption or in jam.
It grows easily in well-drained soil and full sun.

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Les conseils de la ferme

Potager bio, naturel et écologique

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