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Ribes uva crispa

Maturity end of July, beginning of August. Variety with few thorns, late, producing large, firm, red fruits. Very fruity flavor for the t...
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
Regular price Sale price €7,90
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The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity

The 'Freedonia' variety is a virtually thornless gooseberry, making it easy to grow and harvest due to its upright habit.
It thrives in acidic, healthy, aerated soil rich in organic matter, and is sensitive to limestone. Preferring slightly shaded situations, it must be protected from full southern exposures to avoid drought problems, especially during fruiting; mulching can then be an effective solution.
'Freedonia' gooseberries are delicious on their own or can be used in a variety of culinary preparations such as tarts, coulis, jams and jellies. They also pair well with sweet and sour chutneys, oily fish, game or duck breast.

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Les conseils de la ferme

Potager bio, naturel et écologique

Comment commencer son potager ?

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