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Référence: 2156A


Radiata Vine

Mung bean is mainly used to produce young shoots used in spring rolls, salads, on soups or stir-fried. This variety reaches about 60 cm in height and produces light green beans, in pods about 10 cm long in 70 days after emergence. Harvest from July to September of dry beans. Sowing: possible from the end of April to mid-June, in soil warmed to between 25° and 30°C. Germination in 7 to 20 days. Sowing at a depth of 2/3 cm in rows spaced about 50/70 cm apart, with a gap on the row of about 4 cm. Soil: well drained. Cultivation: Keep a plant every 15 cm. Regular watering if no rain, water requirements lower than those of a classic bean. Optimum growing temperature: 25 °C to 30 °C. Sow under cover, in a pot before transplanting, in a cool summer region. Harvest in 70 days.
The 80 gram bag
Regular price €6,50
Regular price Sale price €6,50
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Période de semis
From April to June
Période de récolte
De juillet à septembre
moderate / daily
40 to 50 cm
60 cm
Pleine terre
80 à 120 jours en moyenne
The 80 gram bag
Cycle de vie

Mung bean is mainly used to produce young shoots used in spring rolls, salads, on soups or stir-fried. This variety reaches about 60 cm in height and produces light green beans, in pods about 10 cm long in 70 days after emergence. Harvest from July to September of dry beans. Sowing: possible from the end of April to mid-June, in soil warmed to between 25° and 30°C. Germination in 7 to 20 days. Sowing at 2/3 cm depth in rows spaced about 50/70 cm apart, with a gap on the row of about 4 cm. Soil: well drained. Cultivation: Keep a plant every 15 cm. Regular watering if no rain, water requirements lower than those of a classic bean. Optimum growing temperature: 25 °C to 30 °C. Sow under cover, in a pot before transplanting, in a cool summer region. Harvest in 70 days.

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