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Vaccinium corymbosum

The Berkeley shrubby blueberry is a mid-season variety producing numerous and very large flattened, light blue berries with a sweet and fragrant flavor that will not burst in the rain. Blueberries are used fresh, in jams, compotes, juices, sorbets, and pastries.
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
Regular price Sale price €7,90
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The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity

The 'Berkeley' blueberry is a vigorous shrub appreciated for its large, sweet mid-season fruits, ripening between July and August.
In May and June, the blueberry bush is covered with small white bells grouped in hanging clusters, which will develop into light blue berries with pruinose, slightly flattened and of a generous size.
The shrub is grown in acidic soil, avoiding calcareous soils, and prefers a semi-shaded exposure. Its resistance to cold and its low maintenance requirements make it an ideal plant, even if the fruiting will be more abundant with the presence of another variety nearby, despite its self-fertile character.
In terms of nutritional value, blueberries are low-calorie fruits but rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as calcium and iron. Their thin skin makes these berries ideal for pies, muffins, jams or jellies. Fresh, they keep for about ten days after picking and can also be frozen for longer storage.

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