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The Emil blueberry is a mid-season variety producing very aromatic, tangy fruits reminiscent of wild blueberries.
The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
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The 9 cm mound / price according to quantity

The Emil Blueberry is a shrub that can reach a height of 1.50 meters, known for its dark blue fruits. These small berries, slightly acidic, offer a very aromatic taste reminiscent of wild blueberries. The plant thrives in acidic soils and prefers soil rich in organic matter to retain water well.
The recommended planting period is autumn with harvests possible from mid-July.
In the fall, blueberries take on beautiful orange-red hues before their leaves fall. Their blooms, characterized by white bells typical of blueberries, are also very ornamental. Demanding light, the blueberry grows best in sunny exposure. In the shade, it grows but will not produce fruit.
The berries, once ripe, have a pleasant, tart taste and keep well. They are ideal for eating fresh or for making jams, pies, or dried for later use.

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