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TRUFFIER PLANT GREEN OAK - mycorrhizal Tuber Melanosporum

Quercus llex 2 years - Truffle Tuber Melanosporum

The tuber melanosporum truffle (black truffle known as "Périgord") is a winter truffle that thrives in poor, light and well-drained surface soils. It is found native to the Mediterranean region or in continental climatic enclaves.
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €26,90
Regular price Sale price €26,90
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The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity

Holm oak is a valuable species in truffle production, alongside downy oak.
Unlike the latter, the holm oak has persistent foliage which makes it sensitive to winter frost. It adapts to a wide variety of terrains, including the most arid, thanks to its robustness in the face of drought.
This species is best suited to warm regions and should not be planted above 500 meters altitude. For successful planting, choose a well-drained location.

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