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TRUFFLE PLANT COMMON HAZEL - mycorrhizal Tuber Uncinatum

Corylus Avellana 2 years - Truffle Tuber Uncinatum

The tuber uncinatum truffle (known as the "Burgundy" truffle) is an autumn truffle that thrives in rich, deep, cool and humid soils. It is a truffle that fruits spontaneously in many French regions.
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €26,90
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The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity

The common hazel, also known as Corylus avellana, is a remarkably robust plant, able to withstand temperatures as low as -25 °C. Its vigor makes it an excellent choice for growing truffles, provided that it is planted in very calcareous soil with a pH above 7.5 and well-drained to avoid excess moisture. Although this plant can adapt to a wide variety of climates, it prefers dry regions where rainfall is scarce, with the exception of the Mediterranean basin. It is a fast-growing perennial shrub that thrives in the mountains, at altitudes of up to 1700 meters, on sunny or partially shaded slopes. To maintain good health and production, it is recommended to prune the hazel regularly every 2 to 3 years to ensure good circulation of light between the branches.
For planting, choose a sunny or partially shaded location with well-drained soil rich in limestone. Regular pruning is essential for the shrub to develop properly.
It is also helpful to provide adequate space around the plant to allow for growth and prevent disease.

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