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TRUFFLE PLANT BYZANTIUM HAZEL - mycorrhizal Tuber Uncinatum

Corylus colurna 2 years - Truffle Tuber Uncinatum

The tuber uncinatum truffle (known as the "Burgundy" truffle) is an autumn truffle that thrives in rich, deep, cool and humid soils. It is a truffle that fruits spontaneously in many French regions.
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €26,90
Regular price Sale price €26,90
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The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity

Both hardy and vigorous, the hazelnut prefers less rich soils to avoid the high requirements in pruning and trimming that are necessary when it is grown on very fertile land. Indeed, in poor soil, it grows well while enriching the soil thanks to its abundant falling foliage.
To optimize cultivation, it is recommended to plant this plant in strips or hedges in a natural orchard. It is also important to maintain a certain distance between the plants to ensure good development and an optimal harvest.

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