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Zanthoxylum piperitum

The Sichuan pepper tree ( Zanthoxylum piperitum ) seduces both gardeners for its hardiness and cooks for its powerful, tingling and very aromatic flavor.
The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €10,90
Regular price Sale price €10,90
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The 7 cm bucket / price according to quantity

The Sichuan Pepper Tree is a remarkable tree, particularly for its foliage which changes with the seasons, going from green to yellow and then purple in the fall.
By carefully crushing its leaves, we discover its powerful and distinctive fragrance. This pepper plant is also distinguished by its thorns. Over time, these thorns take on a red tint. For a successful planting, it is best to place it in full sun to encourage optimal fruiting. Although more hardy than the Timut Pepper Plant, it does not appreciate overly wet soils.
This pepper, once ground or crushed, is distinguished by a powerful and spicy flavor that can even cause a sensation of anesthesia on the lips when consumed fresh. Its aromas evoke aniseed and lemony notes. To use it as a spice, the red envelope surrounding the black seeds is harvested, dried briefly and then crushed.
Additionally, its dense covering of thorns makes it an excellent option for creating defensive hedges.

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