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The red husk of the black seeds of the Timut pepper plant is harvested to be used like pepper, after a short drying and grinding. It has a very refreshing citrus scent.
The 8 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €10,90
Regular price Sale price €10,90
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The 8 cm bucket / price according to quantity

Zanthoxylum armatum, also known as Timut Pepper, is a small shrub growing to 2.50 metres high.
Its spicy and aromatic berries, with a grapefruit flavor when dried and crushed, are highly prized for their unique taste qualities. Used for their peel, these berries add a distinctive touch to dishes.
This shrub is also appreciated for its defensive thorns on its trunk, stems and leaves, as well as for its decorative foliage in autumn in colors ranging from yellow-orange to purple.
Its resistance to cold down to -15°C allows an abundant harvest, provided that the soil is kept slightly moist in summer.

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Les conseils de la ferme

Potager bio, naturel et écologique

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