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Référence: 2158A


Claytonia perfoliata

Small, low annual, spreading, with fleshy and tender leaves used in salads or cooked, producing small white flowers in clusters. Ideal for small spaces. Sweet flavor. Tolerates cold very well, down to -20°C if well installed and protected. Sowing: in place from April to September, or from November to December under cover. Sowing of these very fine seeds, on the surface, broadcast or in rows spaced 25 cm apart, on well refined and watered soil. Lightly weigh down the sowing and water with very fine rain. Keep the soil fresh until emergence. Exposure: sunny to partial shade. Soil: Well drained and not calcareous. Cultivation: Thin out young plants to 15 cm at the 4-leaf stage. Regular watering to maintain fresh soil and ensure regrowth. Harvest: 2 to 3 months after sowing, before flowering. Two possible harvests, cut the young leaves carefully so as not to uproot the plant.
The bag of 500 seeds
Regular price €3,80
Regular price Sale price €3,80
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
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Période de semis
From April to September
Période de récolte
De juin à novembre
moderate / in case of drought
15 cm
sun / partial shade
The bag of 500 seeds
Cycle de vie

Small, low, spreading annual with fleshy, tender leaves used in salads or cooked, producing small white flowers in clusters. Ideal for small spaces. Mild flavor. Tolerates cold very well, down to -20°C if well installed and protected.

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Potager bio, naturel et écologique

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