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This elderberry was selected in Austria for the quality of its fruits, both tasty and abundant. To be consumed in jam, syrup or fritters.
The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity
Regular price €7,90
Regular price Sale price €7,90
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The 9 cm bucket / price according to quantity

The Haschberg Elderberry is known for its upright shape and exceptional vigor. Its black berries, forming dense clusters, are renowned for their high productivity.
The plant attracts a wide variety of insects thanks to its hollow branches, thus bringing biodiversity to the garden. To ensure optimal growth, the black elderberry prefers fresh soil rich in organic matter. It adapts well to different exposures and types of soil. Adding compost when planting, accompanied by regular watering during the first years, will promote good growth.
The flowers are processed into syrup, wine, sorbet and lemonade, while the fruits, to be eaten only cooked, are used to prepare juices, jellies and jams.
The leaves, branches and roots of the plant are toxic, but the leaves can be used as manure to speed up composting.

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